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The product goes through many stages and steps, the most prominent of these steps are:

Product Development:

The process of developing products from an idea to a prototype. Companies are working on finding new products to break the monopoly and control of a particular product, or to face the decline stage of current products, or reduce the risks of relying on a single product. Or to meet the needs of consumers and usually only one specific point.

Introduction Stage:

It is the stage of distributing the product for the first time to consumers in the market, and it usually takes some time to introduce the new product to the market, and this stage is characterized by a low rate of sales growth.

Growth Stage:

It is the stage of increasing sales at rapid growth rates, as a result of the repurchase of the new product by the first consumers on the one hand, or as a result of strong marketing, which is the stage of expansion and prosperity of the product.

Maturity Stage:

A stage during which sales numbers stabilize at a semi-fixed level and there may be little ups or downs in the sales level.

Regression stage:

It is the stage in which the product disappears and is forgotten and most of the products are on the way to disappearance, but it occurs at different rates of time according to the product and the market.

Brand Building Stages:

The brand goes through many stages and steps, the most prominent of these steps are:

1. Discover the purpose of your brand: Every successful brand has a strong purpose behind it. What makes you wake up every day? What value will you provide to consumers through your product or service? Answering these questions will enable us to know what goal we want to achieve from the brand.

2. Brand competitor analysis: We shouldn’t exactly imitate what the big brands are doing in business. But, we must be fully aware of what they are doing to know where their weaknesses and strengths are. The goal is to differentiate us from them in competition. To figure out how the scenario would be to convince the consumer to buy from our brand instead of theirs and this is not a step so much as an ongoing process that always accompanies us in the brand-building journey. It also needs to be studied how well they have built the brand name.

3. Determine the target audience: One of the essential steps in building your brand is defining the target audience that we will focus on. We cannot offer a brand to everyone, the brand must be for a certain group of people. We need to know exactly who we are trying to reach. Because we will customize advertising messages to suit them and meet their exact needs. The key to branding excellence is to be specific. We must detect the behaviors of the targeted people and interrupt their daily lives with advertisements or any other promotional activity.

4. Building a clear brand vision: Any brand that leads the market in a product has a clear vision of the company’s future, so you need to craft a clear expression of what your company is eager to do in the coming years. Imagine how your company will be in 5 or 10 years, where it will be, the goals you have achieved and the goals you are striving to achieve, in general, think about the reasons that drive employees in your company to wake up every day, before you can build a brand that your target audience trusts, you have to know the value that provided by your company. Your brand vision is a formal statement of the company’s ambition for the future.

5. Identify the main qualities and benefits of the brand: There will always be brands with bigger budgets and more resources to lead the field. Therefore, the branding of your products and services should be yours alone. Starting an unforgettable brand means that you dig deep to see what you offer, and no one else does. We should focus on the qualities and benefits that make the brand of a company unique. This point is related to knowing who your target audience is. We simply have to give our audience a compelling reason to choose our brand.

6. Build a logo, personality, and voice for the brand: A logo and personality must be built that reflects the brand and enhances its presence among competing brands, and a voice that reflects the company’s mission, its audience, and its field of work must be relied upon. It is how we should communicate with the company’s customers and how we want them to respond to us. Brand voice can be professional, friendly, elegant, etc. Depending on the company, there are endless qualities and possibilities that can build a brand voice behind your messages. Let the brand’s personality shine through and connect with consumers’ minds.

7. Build a brand story, messages, and Slogan logos that express it: A brand story is an opportunity to connect on a human level and establish a direct emotional connection with your customers. What this means is that the language you use should be easily understood and best strike a specific emotional chord. Most importantly when creating a brand story is not about what your brand products can do, but rather why those products are important to consumers. Briefly tell consumers about the identity of the brand, and use your brand voice. Connect your messages in a way that reflects the brand’s personality so that the story will pass through. He summed it all up in a short sentence, Slogan.

8. Update the brand in every aspect to suit the audience: The brand-building process never stops. Be loyal to it and update it in a way that matches the goals of the company and the aspirations of consumers and the target audience. Consumers’ acceptance of the brand must be measured and built on their response. Updating and developing is the key to building a timeless brand.

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