Advertising Through Road Panels and Screens

In the light of the recent technological development and the multiplicity of advertising methods and marketing policies, external advertisements on roads and facilities have maintained their significant role in attracting the attention of customers and increasing the demand for goods or services provided by advertisers, so we have committed to employ all modern equipment to provide and install high-quality advertising at prices suitable for all customers in their business activities.


Successful marketing is one of the most important reasons for the success of the enterprise and without it is Therefore, we gave you.impossible to sustain business, in keeping with the technological development and tools and features offered by social media and websites to business owners to market their business in various ways online, everyone has become oriented to e-marketing Therefore, we gave you.

Web Design & Online Stores

Websites and online stores have always played a distinguished and essential role in the digital marketing of any enterprise or business, where you can Highlight your identity, consolidate your brand, and provide all your business information, products, services, achievements, and more.
At Green Line Marketing, we have a highly experienced team in designing and programming websites and online stores in the latest programming languages with high efficiency and lowest prices.

Graphic Design

Graphic design is one of the most powerful methods in business and marketing, as it contributes to communicating the right image of your business in your marketing campaigns and greatly helps increase sales and achieve the desired profits for your company.
At Green Line, we have a team of designers and innovators of all kinds of photos, videos, prints, and more.

Photography & Montage

Green Line allows its customers to take advantage of photo sessions for their products or their work, whether they are photos or clips of videos, to be re-montaged with high quality and get customers’ attention to achieve the desired goals.

  Come Visit

Zahran Business Center, Prince Sultan Road, As Salamah, Jeddah 23525.

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